Friday, October 14, 2005

who says i cant cook

well one of them is breakfast and the other is food for the mind is a sculpture in moma New york

by a guy called butolonni or summat i love it as its part abstract part real but he has caught to essence of movement and strength just like my bacon sarnies have now had the essence ripped out of em bloody nice they were too

i ve stopped maudling as the weekend starts here 5hrs of wurk then playtime

ill go find out the sculpters name as its rather rude not to credit him with it realy

as its something i like an all n all

Thursday, October 13, 2005

coffee and a view

well here it is great coffee and a view
the tree is just on the turn its a copper beech so it should be brilliant on a sunny day i doo love autumn
well i love most tings coz i have stopped getting pissed off by the irritations in this world im just going to mellow it out

Wednesday, October 12, 2005

its down hill from here

well its day 9 and im not fretting even tho my e mails down Ta cwazy and has been for 24 hrs now pa pa and double pa
as i didnt get a picture up yesterday here are 2 i love the dynamics of the first one it was dead simple to set up but a bugger to capture what i wanted still not a bad effort i feel
and the second is an apt quote
so its now bacon buttie time so ill catch you later

Tuesday, October 11, 2005

oh bugger here we go again off on that nat bomb trail

i found wicapedia and syncronicity and whooooo hooooo im off again

The 23 Enigma is a belief that the number 23 is of particular or unusual significance, especially in relation to disasters.
Unusual circumstances being linked to 23 are mentioned by William S. Burroughs. He tells the story of meeting a ferry captain named Clark who claimed to have sailed the same route without an accident for 23 years. That very day, however, the ferry sank. Later that day, Burroughs writes, he was thinking about Clark's ferry accident when he heard that a Flight 23 on a New York-Miami route had crashed. According to Burroughs, the pilot's name for the flight had also been Clark. Burroughs began collecting incidences of the number 23 in a scrapbook and referred to them in his writings.
The 23 Enigma can also be traced to Robert Anton Wilson and Robert Shea's The Illuminatus Trilogy, as well as to the Principia Discordia. In these works, 23 is considered to be alternately lucky, sacred to the goddess Eris, or just plain weird. The Principia quotes "The Law of Fives" in explaining this, as 2+3=5.
Though certain numbers have long been linked to unusual coincidences (13 and 17 also being favorites), the 23 Enigma could be just an example of apophenia. There is also the fact that 23, being a fairly low number, occurs often in the media, current events, and daily life. Skeptics point out that it appears probably no more often in conjunction with catastrophe or coincidence than 22 or 24, while believers often enjoy hunting for ways in which 23 is "revealed."
In EVE Online, it is said that "the 23" - a mysterious group of posters on the official forums many claim to be a part of, is the most influential secret organization and the main opinion-making body.

A 23 enigma list
This is a list of unusual happenings or circumstances commonly brought up as instances of the 23 enigma. It should be pointed out that some entries on this list are of dubious accuracy or verification. Others are the result of stretched applicability, such as when decimals or remainders are ignored, or when modern calendars are used to synch up to ancient ones.
The human biorhythm is 23 days long. Though Hermann Swoboda and Wilhelm Fliess, the two doctors who first posited biorhythm, did determine that a human's 'physical cycle' was 23 days long, biorhythmics is at best a highly speculative and subjective area of study.
It takes 23 seconds for blood to circulate throughout the entire body. Blood is a suspension and does not flow at the same rate for all of its components. Furthermore, there is no single path blood takes when it circulates. For both these reasons, verification is both difficult and meaningless. In any case, the "second" is an arbitrary fraction of 1/86400 of a solar day.
Each parent contributes 23 chromosomes to the DNA of a child. True.
The human arm has 23 joints in it. Unconfirmed, and confirmation depends on the definition of joint.
On average, every 23rd wave on a beach will be twice the size of the average wave. False. This idea exists in many parts of the world, with varying numbers of waves.
Earth's axis is off by 23.5 degrees. Dubious at best. For one, this is a case of stretched applicability, and it depends on using the arbitrary figure of a circle having 360 degrees to come up with an answer even close to 23.
Earth's period of rotation (sideral day) is really 23 hours and 56 minutes, not exactly 24 hours. (That's 4 minutes shorter than a solar day since a day is defined as the time between two noons on the same meridian, which is slightly longer than the period of rotation because meanwhile the Earth is revolving around the Sun.) However 24 hours is again an arbitrary number.
The first Moon landing, Apollo 11 was in the Sea of Tranquility at 23.63 degrees East. The second landing, Apollo 12, was in the Ocean of Storms, 23.42 degrees West. Also, 11 + 12, the numbers of the missions, add up to 23. Again, this is stretched as far as the degrees, and there are at least 11 pairs of integers that add to 23, not counting negative integers or zero.
December 23, 2012 is the date the Mayan calendar ends, predicting an apocalyptic event. The Mayan calendar's "Long Count" does indeed end on either the 21st or 23rd of December of 2012, depending on calculation.
Both the ancient Egyptian and Sumerian calendars begin on 23 July. Both calendars were apparently calculated from the date of the heliacal rising of Sirius, which does occur at that latitude around that time of year.
William Shakespeare was born on 23 April, died on 23 April and had his first portfolio published in 1623. His first play Titus Andronicus was performed January 23rd 1594. Though the last three statements are true, his actual date of birth remains unconfirmed (see his article for more information).
Julius Caesar was stabbed 23 times when he was assassinated. True.
The Prophet Muhammad taught and received the wisdom of God for 23 years. There exist hadith that support this figure, but many more that give other lengths of time.
The Knights Templar had 23 Grand Masters, the last being Jacques de Molay. True.
The first song on the first side of the first Beatles album took 23 takes. That would be "I Saw Her Standing There" from Please Please Me, but in reality, the song that took the most takes was "Love Me Do," at fifteen.
John F. Kennedy was assassinated on November 22, 1963 and his supposed assassin -- Lee Harvey Oswald -- was assassinated on November 24, 1963, the 23rd being in between. True.
If you add up all the digits in 9/11/2001 you get 23. Not exactly, this is another stretching. To make 23, add "11" as normal, but "2001" must be added as the numbers "2" and "1".
Michael Jordan's uniform number was 23 when he played for the Chicago Bulls. True
David Beckham wears the number 23 shirt for Real Madrid. True.
On a normal modern latin alphabet keyboard, the 23rd letter W is right below and between 2 and 3. True.
Franklin Delano Roosevelt contains 23 letters. True.
Pi's first six digits (3.14159) added together equal 23. True.
Caesar Augustus was born on 23 September. True.
Volkswagen's VW logo contains the roman numeral V (2+3=5) and the 23rd letter W. Volkswagen is based in Wolfsburg which starts with the 23rd letter. True.
666 is said to be taken from 2/3 = 0.666. Very unlikely; see the article Number of the Beast for its history.
John D. Rockefeller died on 23 May. True.
Hagbard (Karl Koch), German hacker and inventor of the trojan horse spyware, died on 23 May. Probable, but not definite. Also most likely a suicide, with the date chosen intentionally to fit this numerology.
The Salt March initiated by Gandhi to protest the Salt tax, lasted 23 days.
On Microsoft Windows systems, a line break is stored as ASCII code 13, then ASCII code 10. On Apple Macintosh systems, a line break is stored as ASCII code 13. On Linux systems, a line break is stored as ASCII code 10. Supposedly, in telegraphy a line break is or was transmitted as a 23, as referred to in the article 23_(number).
Don Mattingly, 6-time Gold Glove Award first baseman for the New York Yankees' uniform number was 23. True.
The television show Lost features 23 as part of its mysterious numbers. The show's creators have specifically cited Robert Anton Wilson as an inspiration to use 23 as one of "the numbers."

See also

Monday, October 10, 2005

rock carving part deux

it helps if the rock your carving aint hard n brittle getting it smooth was hard work
getting a hole in it was bloody impossible even the best carbide drills did not work
so we reverted to what we know and did some carving in titanium instead
i like the simplicity of this its certainly unique i only made the one
and the symbolism is the meeting of equals im not sure how it will be recived mind or wether its a bit too big its about 60mm long still it kept me ocupied for most of the shift
next thought is chain or black thong to wear it with
ill try both and see how it looks

rock carving by begginers

well here it the raw material
first ill cut a slice off it
then ill try and shape it into something then a polish and finaly drill a hole the whole bit of rock fits into my hand so we will see how it turns out
ill try and take pictures of the differnt stages
to show how im getting on
good job im on lates
it could be a long shift otherwise

Sunday, October 09, 2005

as good as it gets day

day seven
well yesterday was one of those days it seems sundays are meant for enjoying first up was

watching the street artists in Bath well worth the couple of quid

next was a wander down the town the trees captivated me i am going to have another go at getting a picture i liked the reflection on the water that seems to work well as does the living statue street artist

after i had coffee and some more syncronicity

im a fan off stripey things and thisStunning japanese Girl was dressed in a black and white jumper and i couldnt get a bloody picture as se and her boyfreind were sat right next to me and i always feel its rude to intrude but heres a pic of stripey sox n top anyway


day 6
there i am reading a book about cuba and the word syncronicity turns up in the contex of describing how the african slaves brought over to work in the plantations converted the christian worship of saints to there worship of there own gods thus inventing a religion that is a mish mash of both a desire then comes over me to read something else so i pick up a book about concidences and sod me in the first thee pages syncronicity is discused twice and there is a reference to Terry Prattchet my favourite author thats well wierd so i get up and go to the loo taking another book with me called show me the magic about traveling in benin in a taxi and in the first three pages there is a discussion about the gri gri or african religions
now thats weird
too weird for me as i hadnt heard the word syncronicity before
ill go have a little lie down before my head expoldes
perhaps i should stop reading and the book i sent out yesterday to a book club member was called postcards and someone promiced to send me one yesterday definatly too weird for a sunday

so what do i do i go off n surf
where do i end up

where they are discussing to day 2 of my favourite subjects beer and the end of the world
even weirder the girl who is reporting has a vidio on her


ranting about cellphones
and shes wearing a bubba gumps seafood restaurant t shirt its one on my favorite places to eat when im in NY