Sunday, October 09, 2005


day 6
there i am reading a book about cuba and the word syncronicity turns up in the contex of describing how the african slaves brought over to work in the plantations converted the christian worship of saints to there worship of there own gods thus inventing a religion that is a mish mash of both a desire then comes over me to read something else so i pick up a book about concidences and sod me in the first thee pages syncronicity is discused twice and there is a reference to Terry Prattchet my favourite author thats well wierd so i get up and go to the loo taking another book with me called show me the magic about traveling in benin in a taxi and in the first three pages there is a discussion about the gri gri or african religions
now thats weird
too weird for me as i hadnt heard the word syncronicity before
ill go have a little lie down before my head expoldes
perhaps i should stop reading and the book i sent out yesterday to a book club member was called postcards and someone promiced to send me one yesterday definatly too weird for a sunday

so what do i do i go off n surf
where do i end up

where they are discussing to day 2 of my favourite subjects beer and the end of the world
even weirder the girl who is reporting has a vidio on her


ranting about cellphones
and shes wearing a bubba gumps seafood restaurant t shirt its one on my favorite places to eat when im in NY


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